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Pepper - Kerala Idukki

Source: Idukki, Kerala

Grade: Ungarbled

Physical Dimension: 5 mm diameter

Also known as ‘Black Gold’, pepper is a climbing perennial shrub and usually grows in hot, moist regions of Southern India. Cultivated in virgin soils rich in humus, the fruit takes 6 months to mature and is harvested in November and continues until March. Black pepper harvesting is labor-intensive as it is carried out by hand-picking method.

Idukki pepper is known for its intense scent and flavor profile. It has a sharp yet slightly sweet and penetrating aroma with a characteristic woody and piney flavor that is hot and biting to taste. This single-seeded drupe or berry is globular in shape with a wrinkly surface and has a dark brown to black color shade.


1) ANTI-INFLAMMATORY: The prime component of Pepper is Piperine which effectively fights inflammation. It is known to reduce joint swelling and blood markers of inflammation. It also helps suppress inflammation in airways caused by Asthma and Seasonal allergies.

2) SKIN HEALTH: This ‘king of spices’ could prevent skin pigmentation. Pigmentation makes your skin appear patchy and white. Black pepper protects skin from skin pigmentation and helps maintain the original color of skin. It also prevents premature ageing and dark spots.

3) TREATS DEPRESSION: Pepper is known to evoke feelings of energy and excitement. Pepper has mood-inducing chemicals that keeps the mind calm and soothing there by changing the mood of the person.

4) BRAIN HEALTH: Piperine, a chemical found in black pepper improves brain function. It is beneficial in symptoms related to degenerative brain conditions. It helps decrease formation of Amyloid plaques. Amyloid plaques are dense clumps of damaging protein fragments in brain.

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