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Ceylon Cinnamon - C5

Source: Central, South-East and South-West Sri Lanka

Physical dimension: Quill diameter – 10 to 12 mm; Length – 12 to 13 cm

Coumarin Content: 0.004%

Volatile oil (Cinnamaldehyde) content: 50 - 63%

C5 Ceylon Cinnamon also known as ‘True Cinnamon’ comes from the spice island paradise, Sri Lanka. Belonging to the ‘Lauraceae’ family; it is scientifically known as Cinnamonium Verum where ‘C ‘Stands for ‘Continental’ grade. C5 Cinnamon is one of the highest grades of Cinnamon in terms quality and taste.

This spice comes in the form of multi-layered rolled-up sticks curled like cigars. This process is labor-intensive and hence C5 is a rare spice. The sticks are smooth, slender and crumbly in texture since they are handcrafted from inner barks of young trees and air-dried to prevent warping.

C5 Cinnamon has a golden yellow hue and possesses a light, mildly spicy-sweet, citrusy aroma with undertone of subtle floral notes. The Cinnamic acid present in this spice gives it a delicate, mildly sweet taste with a pop of spicy notes.


1) COUMARIN CONTENT: C5 Cinnamon is known as ‘True Cinnamon’ because it contains negligible amount of Coumarin (0.004%) unlike the Cassia variety which contains approximately 1% coumarin. Large doses of coumarin is known to cause Coumarin toxicity which can cause severe kidney, liver and lung damage.

2) ANTI-OXIDANT: Cinnamon ranks No.7 out of 26 most popular herbs and spices in the world in terms of its antioxidant levels. Its high level of antioxidants reduces free radical damage and slows the aging process. The specific polyphenols, flavonoids and phenolic acids present in this spice fights oxidative stress and aids in prevention of chronic diseases.

3) PROTECTS HEART HEALTH: The antioxidants present in C5 cinnamon helps limit nitric oxide buildup in blood preventing fat peroxidation which is a major cause of increase in risk of heart diseases. It helps regulate blood flow through the body thus reducing strain on heart contributing to healthy heart functions.

4) PAIN MANAGEMENT: C5 cinnamon’s anti-oxidatory properties helps relieve inflammation. High levels of flavonoids present in this spice is effective against fighting inflammation throughout the body and lowers swelling. It reduces muscle soreness, decreases menstrual pain and lessens allergic reactions.

5) ORAL HYGIENE: Cinnamon benefits oral hygiene by providing protection against certain types of bacteria that causes tooth decay, cavities, infections and bad breath. Essential oils like cinnamaldehye has antibacterial properties and act as natural mouthwash.

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